Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Watching Movies

There in the darkness
unknown and alone
laughs can't be heard
tears aren't shown

He sees his life flicker
in other men's lives
stares at their faces
looks in their eyes

A strange voyeurism
up there on the screen
look, but don't touch
see, don't be seen

Here in the darkness
unknown and alone
memory takes shape
becomes flesh and bone

Emotional theatre
colored lights flash
Are these golden moments
just childish trash?

Is that what happened?
Is that what was said?
Is the man in the dark
still the boy in my head?

We keep a safe distance
from the spinning real
It always seemed better
to think than to feel

copyright 2007 t. ewing


AJ Harbison said...

I like this one--simple, yet such a great description of its topic.

On another note, I like the blue background. Not so thrilled about the red text against the blue background. You might want to consider changing the red to a different color.


Lauren Bishop-Weidner said...

This one is another of my favorites, not quite to the level of "The Twist" or "Nothing Left", but on a par with "Shadow Line". I really like it. As a woman, it feels to me like a window on that unknowable, unpredictable, mysterious thing, Man. As a movie lover, it feels real, the whole voyeur, living vicariously pretense--you know, the idea that since Julia Roberts and I were once close to the same age (she's several years younger, somehow, though at one time we were born only two years apart, go figure), we look alike, or somehow I can pretend we do.... Best images: "spinning real" wins first prize, followed by "man in the dark still the boy in my head" and "he sees his life flicker in other men's lives".

You're good. You just are. And you know instinctively which of your poems have the "it" that gives sticking power.