Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's a Wonderful Wife

Tried to keep the first posting on my new blog in tune with the season. First, some initial thanks. Thanks to A.J. and his traveling companions for the suggestion of a blog. Many thanks to Rick's friend, and our adoptive son...cause we really need another, Thomas John, for setting up the site and picking up where my technical skills falter. Which, by the way, pretty much starts right after I crack a beer, light a cigarette, and hit the power button.
Most importantly, thanks to my lovely wife and life companion( wait...that just sounds way too gay) my best friend, Tonya. For all the considerable energy that I exert on a daily basis, the plain truth is that I don't really accomplish much without her constant pulling, pushing, and prodding. It is why she often refers to me as the 6th child(7th if your counting Thomas). She is my muse and the reason this blog exists. (I secretly suspect that she wanted to create this to give me something to do. 6/7th child indeed!)
Since I went through school in my 20's, I've been collecting and writing down various quotes, phrases, ideas, fragments, and mental wanderings. These many pages, several notebooks, and an interesting gathering of cocktail napkins and bar receipts, have been collecting dust in the attic(I mean that literally and metaphorically). I'm hoping this blog will give at least some of those things a chance to "take flight", if you will, or at least see the light of day. Thus the title, draw your own conclusions.
So, please secure your seat belts and return your seats to the upright positions. There are no emergency exits.


AJ Harbison said...

Hey Uncle "t,"
Congratulations on your first blog! I added it immediately to my RSS reader--I say that only because I'm sure you don't know what that is. ;)

I can't wait to see your future posts. I hope they'll appear frequently.


Anonymous said...

So as your first post this was great and as its the last one i read amusing for me:) I like your introduction though and I liked all your site

Lauren Bishop-Weidner said...

There are always emergency exits. Don't kid yourself.