Sunday, December 16, 2007


He awoke to an iron sky
Steel storm clouds hung heavily on the horizon
The wind whistled at his door
He dressed--futile protection from the cold
outside and within
Lifting the blades from the shelf
He surveyed the vast, frozen wasteland
that lay before him
The grey snow crunched and crackled under
the weight of his step.
Walking against the wind, water welled up in his eyes and
his nose began to run
as his body released the briefest shiver.
He reached that familiar point.
Icy blue veins could be seen just below the surface.
Knelling on the edge, he caught his blurred reflection.
Previous images swept through his mind--
Dreams of gliding, gracefully sliding
from one side to the other.
Delicately slicing through the smooth, thin surface.
Severing connections, gloriously sailing
Stumbling, falling, failing
Barely conscious, awkwardly aching
lying on his back
under the iron sky

He grips the blade in his frozen hand
trying to mount his courage
Through tear filled eyes, he catches his blurred reflection
in the bathroom mirror.
The razor drops to the smooth white tile
as the wind howls against the motionless clouds.

copyright t. ewing


AJ Harbison said...
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AJ Harbison said...

Yay - my first request granted! I love the imagery in this poem - especially dealing with the sky and the wind. The atmosphere is swiftly but surely drawn.

Just a quick tip from one artist to another - I learned earlier this year that as the creator of an artistic work, your work (in this case the poem) is protected by copyright law from the moment of its creation, and as such you (as the artist) are entitled to mark it with a designation of copyright (as you have). But since you own the copyright continuously, you're allowed (and encouraged) to put the latest date possible on the work. So even if you wrote this poem 20 years ago, you can still put "Copyright © 2007 t. ewing" on it, if you want to. I'm sure you're not this interested; but I was excited to find all this stuff out, when I was investigating it this summer regarding my compositions.


Mike Morabito said...

Thom, I love the interplay with the ice, the reflection and the razor. Very cool.
